Episode 117: The Simple Hack That Will Make Your Whole Kitchen Cleaner

Episode Transcription

Mama, are you overwhelmed by the clutter in your home? 😫 Do you feel like you're constantly tidying, organizing, and just barely keeping your head above water?

In this episode, Diana is sharing a surprisingly simple challenge that could be the key to unlocking a calmer, more peaceful home for you and your family. It all starts with your fridge.

Yes, you read that right! Your fridge.

Think about it - it's a magnet for clutter (pun intended! 😉). Magnets, photos, calendars, kids' artwork... it all ends up plastered there. And all that visual noise? It's secretly stressing you out, even if you don't realize it.

Don’t miss this in this episode:

  • The surprising link between your fridge and your stress levels. (Hint: it's all about visual clutter!)
  • My personal "naked fridge" story and how it transformed my kitchen. (Get ready for some serious "aha!" moments.)
  • Simple strategies for keeping your fridge (and your home) clutter-free for good. (Because who wants to go back to chaos?)

What can you expect from this podcast and future episodes?

  • 15-20 minute episodes to help you tackle your to-do list
  • How to declutter in an effective and efficient way
  • Guest interviews
  • Deep dives on specific topics 

Find Diana Rene on social media:
Instagram: @the.decluttered.mom
Facebook: @the.decluttered.mom
Pinterest: @DianaRene

Are you ready for a peaceful and clutter-free home? Watch my FREE training video “Chaos to Calm” to learn how it’s possible! And find all of my resources here.

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Diana Rene: 0:06

You're listening to The Decluttered Mom podcast, a podcast built specifically for busy moms by a busy mom. I'm your Diana Rene , and in 2017 I had my second daughter and it felt like I was literally drowning in my home okay, not literally, but I felt like I couldn't breathe with all of the stuff surrounding me. Over the next 10 months, I got rid of approximately 70% of our household belongings and I have never looked back. I kind of feel like I hacked the mom system and I'm here to share all the tips, tricks and encouragement. Let's listen to today's show. Today, we're going to talk about a couple of things. We're going to talk about a study, but we're also going to talk about an action step that you can take today in your home that will make you feel better.

Diana Rene: 1:01

So there was a study done in the early 2000s in LA and it was trying to identify kind of what clutter was in different types of homes, different types of families, what types of consumer possessions did they have and at what level. And something interesting that they discovered as they were conducting this study is that the level of items or stuff or things on the front of their refrigerator was really, really telling on the rest of their home. And what I mean by that is if they had a ton of stuff on their fridge, they tended to have a ton of stuff in their home, a lot of clutter. And what I mean by that is if they had a ton of stuff on their fridge, they tended to have a ton of stuff in their home, a lot of clutter. And if they had, like, a totally clean fridge or not very many things on the fridge, then they tended to have less items in their home. It was just more tidy overall or less clutter. So they averaged it out Okay. And the homes that had the highest amount on their fridge the average was 80 items on display and we're talking about things like magnets and photos and invitations and save the dates and baby announcements and calendars and all of the things, all of the things that we put on the front of fridges. Okay, so the homes that had a lot of things on there had an average of 80 items, and those homes also had 1,448 visible objects in the main rooms of the home. So we're talking living and family room, dining room, office and kitchen, whereas the group of homes that had more tidy and minimal fridge fronts they had approximately 322 visible objects in those main rooms, so 1,448 versus 322.

Diana Rene: 3:01

So when I first read that study it was really interesting to me and it made me wonder why that is. And I think that something that really like popped into my mind is that when we have a hard time with clutter, we find any possible space that we can cover with our stuff, and sometimes we do it intentionally, sometimes it just kind of happens over time, especially with the fridge. But I wanted to kind of experiment and try something. So before I like went on my whole journey with decluttering, I was went to my fridge and I took every single thing off my fridge, everything, every magnet, every save the date, every calendar, everything off the fridge, because I wanted to see how it would change the look of the room, because it looks visually cluttered. Even if it wasn't cluttered and everything up there had a purpose, it still looked cluttered to me and I know I knew then, as I was learning, that, like anything with clutter stresses us out. There have been studies on how okay, side note, first of all, can you tell, I really enjoy studies and the science of things. But okay, so there've been studies on how clutter causes stress, raises the cortisol hormone in our body, which is stress, right. So I was like you know what that looks visually cluttered to me. Let's take every single thing off and see how it feels. And at first I hated it because it looked like I was moving, like just looked very bare and empty and kind of sterile. I guess maybe is the right word. But the more that I left it up, the more I started to really like it and start to wide walk into my kitchen and I would see the naked fridge and it would just feel calmer in there, it would feel bigger, it would feel more peaceful, it would feel cleaner. Even if nothing about it was cleaner, it still felt cleaner. And so I was starting to feel like I was onto something.

Diana Rene: 5:19

And over the past four years I have had five day challenges where I've done them a couple times a year. I now only do it one time a year in January. But day one has always been to completely empty the front of the fridge, not like inside the fridge, just the cover of the fridge right, the outside of the fridge. And every single time I would get really big pushback like this sounds dumb. I signed up to declutter, like why are you just having me take everything off the front of my fridge. This is silly and I would really encourage people to just try it anyway, try it anyway, try it anyway. And they would most of the time and 99% of the time.

Diana Rene: 6:03

If they followed that and they got rid of everything and they left it off for seven days, they never went back to putting stuff on it. Or if they did, they put like very little, like one photo or just a couple of really important magnets or something like that, because they discovered that it completely changed the space in the room. So here's the thing there's nothing like magical about doing this right. It's not like you clear off the front of your fridge and like voila, like everything in your home is perfect and tidy and neat and you're happy forever and everything's great. I get that. It's like a very small thing, but I think that's why it's so powerful, because when we do it, we get a feeling like the tiniest glimpse into what a decluttered home could feel like.

Diana Rene: 6:58

Think about when you spring clean and you like rage clean, you all the windows are open, like you're excited. It feels like a fresh start. When you walk into your home after you do that, it feels different. Right, it has a different feeling to it. You want to be there. You want the environment that you have created for yourself feels peaceful, it feels calm, it feels new, it feels refreshing. You feel like you can recharge there instead of get stressed out there, and so the fridge kind of does like a mini version of that. When we eliminate that excess, when we eliminate that visual clutter that's tricking our brain, we can walk into the space and we can feel a little bit more at peace. And that gives us an idea of what it feels like to declutter. And then it also helps give us motivation to move forward in decluttering.

Diana Rene: 7:56

So my challenge to you today is to try this is to empty everything off the front of your fridge. I'm not going to make you like actually declutter it. You don't have to donate anything. You don't have to throw anything away. Just put it in a box, put it in a drawer for seven days and after that, if you hate it, tell me and put it all back on the fridge. That's okay, but if you don't hate it, then you can go through those items and you can decide what you really need to keep or what could you maybe put on the side of the fridge that's not as obvious. Or what could you put in your command center like calendars and things like that? Where is a better home for those items that you have just always thrown up on the fridge? Because that's just what you've always done and you just never even thought about it. It's never been something that you've even had to consider before.

Diana Rene: 8:57

I want you to try it. It shouldn't take you long. This is like a super quick, actionable step that you can take today that will help you see what could be in your home for you if you wanted to pursue decluttering and like minimizing and moving forward with that simplifying process. After you do that, I want you to go to my website and we will put the link in the show notes and take my free training, which is the five simple steps to a decluttered home, and you will already kind of be feeling like the momentum of it. But then in this training I will outline the five steps that you need to take to be able to take that momentum and move through your home in a really efficient way. So that again is in the show notes and it's a free training and I would love for you to take that so that you can continue that momentum and you can keep moving through your home.

Diana Rene: 9:59

If you want to take it one step further, you can start to look at horizontal surfaces in your home. And obviously your fridge is not a horizontal surface. That's kind of like an anomaly. But is it an anomaly? I don't even know if I'm using that word right but when we look at horizontal surfaces in our home so primarily like countertops, bathroom countertops, kitchen countertops the clearer that we can have our countertops of anything is going to create that same kind of like peaceful feeling that we have when we walk into our kitchen and the fridge is cleared. So maybe pick one bathroom and try clearing the countertop as much as possible. Obviously, leave the soap out and anything that you could just maybe put under the sink or put somewhere else. That doesn't have to be visible to you every single time you walk into your bathroom space. This is another thing where we're using. We're kind of tricking our brain. We're not actively decluttering yet, but we are tricking our brain into seeing a decluttered space and then kind of testing it out and seeing how we feel about it and if it's something that we want to pursue further.

Diana Rene: 11:16

So this is a super, super short episode today.

Diana Rene: 11:19

It's always under 20 minutes, but I went even shorter because these are just really actionable steps that you can take today.

Diana Rene: 11:26

I would love it if you sent me a DM on Instagram and let me know if you did it. I really want to see your before and after pictures and I'll go into another episode of why before and after pictures are so important when you're going through the decluttering process but I would love to see yours. This is just a very small step that you can take that can have a really big impact in your home. It just kind of like packs a big punch for maybe 10 minutes of your time. So give it a try. Let me know how it goes. Thanks for hanging out and listening to the Decluttered Mom podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world if you could write a review or share this episode with a friend or your Instagram stories. And if you're on Instagram, be sure to follow me at thedeclutteredmom and send me a DM to say hi. I'd love to hear what you thought about today's episode. I hope you'll come back next week and hang out with us again.