All that stuff...
The piles on the kitchen counters, the dining table, your bedside table.
The cords and DVD’s and books overflowing the basket in the family room.
The gadgets that fall out every time you open that one kitchen cabinet.
The boxes of stuff in your kids closet.
All of that stuff that you bought or received with good intentions. Things that were going to make your life better for various reasons.
It’s causing you stress.
It’s causing you anxiety.
It’s making you lose your patience often with your spouse.
It’s making you yell at your kids when all you want is for them to go to bed because the chaos of the day needs to be done.
I get it, because I was there.
Your stuff is robbing you of your peace.
But the good news? No, great news?
Is that YOU have the power to change all of that.
You have the power to bring peace into the very culture of your home.
You have the power to bring calm into your mornings, afternoons and nights.
How does your home make you feel?
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