What kids really crave...

simple peaceful living Jul 05, 2020

Earlier this morning, my youngest tapped me on my leg and said “Mama? This is a goooooooood day! I Lub you very much!” And ran back to her magnatiles.⁣

⁣…..but here’s the thing.⁣

⁣Today has been nothing special.⁣

⁣We didn’t go to the zoo and get ice cream.⁣

⁣I didn’t fight Denver traffic to get to Children’s museum before the parking lot filled up, and let her play in the bubble room all morning.⁣

⁣We didn’t go to Disney on ice.⁣

⁣We simply spent time together. ⁣

At home.⁣

Just the two of us.⁣

⁣It’s been a simple morning. I unloaded the dishwasher while my coffee brewed and she ate pancakes.⁣

⁣She helped me wash the strawberries, one by one. ⁣

⁣I folded laundry while she played babies.⁣

⁣We read 2 books together in the rocking chair and then cuddled while listening to a few songs on my phone.⁣

⁣She took a bath while I checked my email and paid a bill.⁣

And it was such a good reminder that kids love and crave simplicity.⁣

⁣Sure, playdates and outings are fun and memorable, but I’ve found the simple, slow mornings at home - are SO beneficial in my motherhood journey.⁣

⁣They want that connection. ⁣

They want that routine.⁣

They want that peace and calm.⁣

They want that simplicity.⁣

Are you wanting to create a simple & peaceful home? Get my FREE training on the 5 simple steps to a peaceful & decluttered home here!


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